

36 Uppsatser om QAV Aviation - Sida 1 av 3

Projekt - Malmö Aviation Underhållsprogram

An airline company that operates with its fleet needs to ensure that maintenance of a following and certain standard will be implemented. In this project we have sorted and divided the various working procedures of Malmö Aviation into Work Packs. These procedures are mandatory and must therefore be implemented in order to keep the aircraft airworthy at any time. Our task was to optimize and sort these working procedures by zone, panels, access and down time. We have created a maintenance program which Malmö Aviation can use and we have sorted their working procedures in B and C- Checks.Maintenance procedures that did not fit into our Work Packs have been gathered and sent back to Malmö Aviation for further inspection.This project has required a lot of extra reading in manuals and we have had a great insight into the complexity of a technical organization such as Malmö Aviation..


Vi har undersökt hur Malmö Aviation arbetar och hur marknaden uppfattar företagets positionering och varumärkesidentitet samt jämfört likheter och skillnader. För att kunna besvara våra frågeställningar, har vi först utgått från en teoretisk bakgrund som behandlar varumärke och positionering. Därefter har vi genomfört en intervju med Eva Rodenstam, marknadschef på Malmö Aviation. Vidare har en enkätundersökning samt djupintervjuer gjorts med Malmö Aviations resenärer. Djupintervjuerna visade med större fördel hur Malmö Aviations varumärke uppfattas av redan existerande kunder än hur Malmö Aviation positionerat sig på den inhemska flygmarknaden.

JAS för jobb : JAS-projektet som industripolitiskt medel

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the target to convert the Swedish military aviation industry towards working within the civilian sector was planned and implemented parallel to the target of building a world-class military aircraft. A number of Government bills have been studied, bills directly connected to the JAS-project as well as bills dealing with civilian project ?s for the military aviation industry. The first group includes bills dealing with the JAS-project ?s role in the overarcing defence policy, as well as the Government ?s bill specifying the guidelines for the JAS-project.

Miljöarbete inom den civila luftfarten

The main environmental problem for aviation is the great amount of exhaust gases, mainly nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons - mostly "greenhouse gases" leading to climate changes. I decided to sort out what is being done to decrease these problems and what regulations there are concerning air pollution by the means of searching the internet and using publications from aviation authorities for current figures. I chose to scrutinize authorities on political, authority and company level, resulting in summarizing the work of UN and EU respectively, ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), JAA (Joint Aviation Authorities) and LFV (Swedish Civil Aviation Authority), and finally SAS, representing the airline companies. Conclusion that I have drawn are thatthere are regulations for air pollution, written down in ICAO's Annex 16, that are to be followed. Secondly, LFV are environmentally controlling their nineteen airports and since economy is an important reason for not giving priority to environmental issues in aviation emission charge and noise charge are added to the landing fees.

Malmö Aviation, Ett flygbolag i tid(en)? - En studie av leverantörsrelationer inom svensk flygindustri

Problem:För ett företag som befinner sig i en föränderlig och turbulent bransch som flygbranschen är det viktigt att ha kunskap om vad som är sin kärnverksamhet. Utifrån denna kunskap bör sedan företaget bygga upp sin övergripande strategi där leverantörssamarbeten och -nätverk utgör en viktig del.Syfte:Uppsatsens huvudsyfte är att undersöka hur Malmö Aviation, ett mindre svenskt flygbolag, som flyger inrikes, har samordnat sina leverantörsrelationer för att uppnå konkurrensfördelar.Delsyftet är att undersöka Malmö Aviations kärnverksamhet, vilken ligger till grund för vilka inköp som görs och därmed vilka leverantörer som företaget samarbetar med.Slutsatser:Det är bra med nära samarbeten präglade av ständig dialog och möjligheten för parterna att ställa krav på varandra. Samtidigt är korta kontraktstider att föredra i en föränderlig bransch. Inköps-processerna för våra tre studerade områden (flygplan, bokningssystem och catering) liknar i mångt och mycket varandra. Malmö Aviation ställer trots sin ringa storlek stora krav på sina leverantörer..

Mavian eller Rica-själ? : En analys av servicekulturen på Malmö Aviation och Rica Talk Hotel

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to compare and analyze Malmö Aviation and Rica Talk Hotel's service culture. This is done by examining three themes, the organizations ways of working with training, motivation and empowerment of frontline employees.Method: The essay is a case study-based qualitative research which mainly focuses on semi-structured, qualitative interviews with various people within the two organizations.Theory: The theoretical framework considers theory within two sections. The first section, the organizations importance in service quality, focuses on service culture or service climate and different management strategies. Section two, the employees? importance in service quality, focuses on three themes: training, motivation and empowerment of frontline employeesResults: Both Malmö Aviation and Rica Talk Hotel are companies that put great emphasis on developing and maintaining a quality service culture within the organization.

Är det mänskligt att fela? Synen på misstag och disciplinpåföljder i militär flygverksamhet och i hälso- och sjukvårdens verksamhet.

In the essay, the view of mistakes and disciplinary sanctions within the military aviation and health and medical service, are compared. The comparison shows that military aviation and health and medical service could have several points in common on how mistakes may occur, but that the present view of mistakes is different betwen the sectors. The view of mistakes and disciplinary sanctions is explicit within military aviation, and is based on a clear ideology on how mistakes occur, which is characterised of a systematic approach. Within health and medical service, an explicit and unequivocal ideology on how mistakes occur is missing, but, however, there are implicit ideas about infallibility and perfection. The comparison indicates that the view of mistakes is also, possibly directed by a bureaucratic model (instead of an ideology on mistakes), which aims to legitimacy, but that this may happen on the expense of not taking surrounding circumstances into consideration.

Socialhandläggarens bedömningar : Likheter och skillnader mellan frivilliginsatser & tvångsvård i ärenden med barn som har en eller två föräldrar med psykisk funktionsnedsättning.

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to compare and analyze Malmö Aviation and Rica Talk Hotel's service culture. This is done by examining three themes, the organizations ways of working with training, motivation and empowerment of frontline employees.Method: The essay is a case study-based qualitative research which mainly focuses on semi-structured, qualitative interviews with various people within the two organizations.Theory: The theoretical framework considers theory within two sections. The first section, the organizations importance in service quality, focuses on service culture or service climate and different management strategies. Section two, the employees? importance in service quality, focuses on three themes: training, motivation and empowerment of frontline employeesResults: Both Malmö Aviation and Rica Talk Hotel are companies that put great emphasis on developing and maintaining a quality service culture within the organization.

Utvärdering av taxonomi och systemstöd för riskbaserad analys inom den svenska Luftfartsinspektionen

The Swedish Aviation Safety Authority has decided to standardise a classification system for reporting deviations found in inspections. The purpose of a classification system is that similar deviations always should be reported in the same way since this will enable better decisions regarding different risk areas. The inspectors are therefore constrained to use a standardised classification system and are not free to use their own words when reporting deviations. A hierarchal classification system with predefined phrases is in aviation referred to as taxonomy. Taxonomy is already in use when reporting accidents and incidents but not when reporting deviations found in inspections.

Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition : For Priority Aero Maintenance

The economic crisis has affected the airline industry as much as it has affected all other industries in the world. The small airlines and maintenance organisations must find new opportunities and options in order to survive the harsh crisis. Priority Aero Maintenance is now an approved maintenance organisation performing maintenance on aircrafts, engines and components. The company sees economic gains in the future by becoming an approved organisation that follows the European Aviation Safety Agency guidelines (EASA) and meets the requirements outlined in the rules of Part-M.In order for the company to become an approved organization, responsible for continuing airworthiness of aircraft, a handbook should be presented to the local authority. This handbook describes the company?s responsibility for the continuing airworthiness in order for the authorities to get an insight into the company and its work.This thesis resulted in a draft of CAME (Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition) and this draft has been approved by Priority Aero Maintenance.The CAME will in the future be used by the company as a basis for developing a more detailed manual to be presented to and approved by the Swedish Aviation Authority (Transportstyrelsen)..

Serveringsvagn på flygplan

Vårt projektarbete bestod av att ta fram en lättarbetad och automatiserad kabinvagn. Vi har samarbetat med Braathens Malmö Aviation. Problemet med dagens kabinvagnar är att kabinpersonalen riskerar att få arbetsskador som kostar flygbolagen en del pengar. Därför har vi då tänkt att underlätta för personalen, genom att automatisera kabinvagnarna. Kabinvagnen kommer att ha sektioner som delas upp i rörliga och fasta delar.

Internalisation of emissions costs from Swedish aviation

This thesis examines the emissions costs of Swedish aviation and their degree of internalisation under current economic instruments. The results show that the degree of internalisation spans from practically zero for a long-haul flight to 6 per cent for a typical domestic flight, where the climate cost, including high-altitude impact, makes up the main part of the cost. To inform evaluation of the consequences of this underinternalisation, or attempts to correct for it using price instruments, the price and income elasticities of international leisure air travel from Sweden are estimated using household expenditure data and two different price measures. The resulting elasticities are very high ? 2.03 or 2.04 for the income elasticity and -2.53 or -1.88 for the price elasticity ? and should be interpreted cautiously due to data limitations, especially for the price elasticities.

Utvärdering och rekommendation av uppföljningsprogram för flygplanunderhåll : för Täby Air Maintenance

By today?s date there are a lot of companies that are in great need of restructuring their paperwork in a more organized way. This can be excellent arranged with the help of properly constructed computer software. The aviation industry is no exception, but actually a good example of this. Täby Air Maintenance (TAM) is a company which is situated in Örebro.

Strategisk analys av den svenska inrikesmarknaden vid lågkostnadsflygets inträde

Uppsatsen studerar de etablerade flygbolagens val av utbud i samband med att lågkostnadsflygbolag trädde in på den svenska inrikesmarknaden. Fokus ligger på det strategiska perspektiv som Spence-Dixit-modellen ger. Det dominerande flygbolaget SAS har i nästan samtliga fall då de mött konkurrens under 90-talet svarat med ett oförändrat utbud. Denna strategi resulterade då i överkapacitet, förluster och även utslagning av konkurrensen. Den svenska inrikesmarknaden kännetecknas idag av överkapacitet, prispress och förlusttyngda flygbolag, en situation som till viss del påminner om den på 90-talet.

Kapacitets- och känslighetsanalys av bagagehanteringssystem på Arlanda flygplats

Detta är en kapacitets- och känslighetsanalys av bagagehanteringssystem vid Arlanda flygplats. Studien är ett examensarbete för civilingenjörsutbildningen Kommunikations- och Transportsystem vid Linköpings universitet och är utförd på uppdrag av Luftfartsverket, LFV Teknik under 2004 och 2005. Studien har gjorts med datorstödd simulering som analysverktyg. Studien har gjorts genom att en simuleringsmodell av det studerade systemet har byggts i simuleringsprogrammet Arena. Denna modell har matats med trafikunderlag från en normalvecka under 2004.

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